Thursday, April 28, 2011


I like to call this place "The Giant Walnut" which brought about some confusion with my friend (you know who you are) who thought I was talking about the bakery in Korea Town where walnut pastries are sold in the window...

But, as you can see, it is with good reason that I call it so.

(from, see it here)

For weeks, while this place was still renovating, I wondered with immense curiosity what on earth it was going to be.

And I was pleasantly surprised when it opened just this past winter as a bulk food store. It's not really just any bulk food store, because there's all kinds of stuff there. More particularly, the smell reminds me of home. It's that oatmeal-like scent that is recognizable in many good health food stores.

Their website here:

They also sell some beautiful bouquets of flowers from Jaiden's Petals Cindiloowho (from a store located at 130 Ossington Ave., seen below from their blog, see it here). The family was also involved in building the beautiful storage furniture at the Nuthouse (seen above, from their blog)

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